Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 25/11/2011
  • Size: 3.09 MB


  • Tools


Eazy Link Cloaker

Price: 1.00

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    • EazyLinkCloaker
      • Eazy Link Cloaker
        • Eazy Link Cloaker
          • META-INF
            • MANIFEST.MF
          • com
            • rosaloves
              • bitlyj
                • data
                  • Pair.class
                • utils
                  • Dom.class
                • Bitly$Provider.class
                • Bitly.class
                • BitlyException.class
                • BitlyMethod.class
                • Jmp.class
                • MethodBase.class
                • Methods$1.class
                • Methods$2.class
                • Methods$3.class
                • Methods$4.class
                • Methods$5.class
                • Methods$6.class
                • Methods$7.class
                • Methods.class
                • ParameterMap.class
                • ShortenedUrl.class
                • SimpleProvider.class
                • Url.class
                • UrlClicks.class
                • UrlInfo.class
          • eazycloaker
            • Export$1.class
            • Export$2.class
            • Export.class
            • SaveFile$1.class
            • SaveFile.class
            • Treat.class
            • cloaker$1.class
            • cloaker$2.class
            • cloaker$3.class
            • cloaker$4.class
            • cloaker$5.class
            • cloaker.class
            • getimg_006.gif
          • lib
            • bitlyj-2.0.0.jar
            • commons-codec-1.5-javadoc.jar
            • commons-codec-1.5-sources.jar
            • commons-codec-1.5.jar
            • commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
            • commons-logging-1.1.1-javadoc.jar
            • commons-logging-1.1.1-sources.jar
            • commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
            • commons-logging-adapters-1.1.1.jar
            • commons-logging-api-1.1.1.jar
            • commons-logging-tests.jar
          • org
            • apache
              • commons
                • codec
                  • binary
                    • Base32.class
                    • Base32InputStream.class
                    • Base32OutputStream.class
                    • Base64.class
                    • Base64InputStream.class
                    • Base64OutputStream.class
                    • BaseNCodec.class
                    • BaseNCodecInputStream.class
                    • BaseNCodecOutputStream.class
                    • BinaryCodec.class
                    • Hex.class
                    • StringUtils.class
                  • digest
                    • DigestUtils.class
                  • language
                    • AbstractCaverphone.class
                    • Caverphone.class
                    • Caverphone1.class
                    • Caverphone2.class
                    • ColognePhonetic$CologneBuffer.class
                    • ColognePhonetic$CologneInputBuffer.class
                    • ColognePhonetic$CologneOutputBuffer.class
                    • ColognePhonetic.class
                    • DoubleMetaphone$DoubleMetaphoneResult.class
                    • DoubleMetaphone.class
                    • Metaphone.class
                    • RefinedSoundex.class
                    • Soundex.class
                    • SoundexUtils.class
                  • net
                    • BCodec.class
                    • QCodec.class
                    • QuotedPrintableCodec.class
                    • RFC1522Codec.class
                    • URLCodec.class
                    • Utils.class
                  • BinaryDecoder.class
                  • BinaryEncoder.class
                  • CharEncoding.class
                  • Decoder.class
                  • DecoderException.class
                  • Encoder.class
                  • EncoderException.class
                  • StringDecoder.class
                  • StringEncoder.class
                  • StringEncoderComparator.class
                • httpclient
                  • auth
                    • AuthChallengeException.class
                    • AuthChallengeParser.class
                    • AuthChallengeProcessor.class
                    • AuthPolicy.class
                    • AuthScheme.class
                    • AuthSchemeBase.class
                    • AuthScope.class
                    • AuthState.class
                    • AuthenticationException.class
                    • BasicScheme.class
                    • CredentialsNotAvailableException.class
                    • CredentialsProvider.class
                    • DigestScheme.class
                    • HttpAuthRealm.class
                    • HttpAuthenticator.class
                    • InvalidCredentialsException.class
                    • MalformedChallengeException.class
                    • NTLM.class
                    • NTLMScheme.class
                    • RFC2617Scheme.class
                  • cookie
                    • CookiePolicy.class
                    • CookieSpec.class
                    • CookieSpecBase.class
                    • IgnoreCookiesSpec.class
                    • MalformedCookieException.class
                    • NetscapeDraftSpec.class
                    • RFC2109Spec.class
                  • methods
                    • multipart
                      • ByteArrayPartSource.class
                      • FilePart.class
                      • FilePartSource.class
                      • MultipartRequestEntity.class
                      • Part.class
                      • PartBase.class
                      • PartSource.class
                      • StringPart.class
                    • ByteArrayRequestEntity.class
                    • DeleteMethod.class
                    • EntityEnclosingMethod.class
                    • ExpectContinueMethod.class
                    • GetMethod.class
                    • HeadMethod.class
                    • InputStreamRequestEntity.class
                    • MultipartPostMethod.class
                    • OptionsMethod.class
                    • PostMethod.class
                    • PutMethod.class
                    • RequestEntity.class
                    • StringRequestEntity.class
                    • TraceMethod.class
                  • params
                    • DefaultHttpParams.class
                    • DefaultHttpParamsFactory.class
                    • HostParams.class
                    • HttpClientParams.class
                    • HttpConnectionManagerParams.class
                    • HttpConnectionParams.class
                    • HttpMethodParams.class
                    • HttpParams.class
                    • HttpParamsFactory.class
                  • protocol
                    • ControllerThreadSocketFactory$1.class
                    • ControllerThreadSocketFactory$SocketTask.class
                    • ControllerThreadSocketFactory.class
                    • DefaultProtocolSocketFactory.class
                    • Protocol.class
                    • ProtocolSocketFactory.class
                    • ReflectionSocketFactory.class
                    • SSLProtocolSocketFactory.class
                    • SecureProtocolSocketFactory.class
                  • util
                    • DateParseException.class
                    • DateParser.class
                    • DateUtil.class
                    • EncodingUtil.class
                    • ExceptionUtil.class
                    • HttpURLConnection.class
                    • IdleConnectionHandler.class
                    • IdleConnectionTimeoutThread.class
                    • LangUtils.class
                    • ParameterFormatter.class
                    • ParameterParser.class
                    • TimeoutController$TimeoutException.class
                    • TimeoutController.class
                    • URIUtil$Coder.class
                    • URIUtil.class
                  • AutoCloseInputStream.class
                  • ChunkedInputStream.class
                  • ChunkedOutputStream.class
                  • CircularRedirectException.class
                  • ConnectMethod.class
                  • ConnectTimeoutException.class
                  • ConnectionPoolTimeoutException.class
                  • ContentLengthInputStream.class
                  • Cookie.class
                  • Credentials.class
                  • DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler.class
                  • DefaultMethodRetryHandler.class
                  • Header.class
                  • HeaderElement.class
                  • HeaderGroup.class
                  • HostConfiguration.class
                  • HttpClient.class
                  • HttpClientError.class
                  • HttpConnection.class
                  • HttpConnectionManager.class
                  • HttpConstants.class
                  • HttpException.class
                  • HttpHost.class
                  • HttpMethod.class
                  • HttpMethodBase$1.class
                  • HttpMethodBase.class
                  • HttpMethodDirector.class
                  • HttpMethodRetryHandler.class
                  • HttpParser.class
                  • HttpRecoverableException.class
                  • HttpState.class
                  • HttpStatus.class
                  • HttpURL.class
                  • HttpVersion.class
                  • HttpsURL.class
                  • MethodRetryHandler.class
                  • MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$1.class
                  • MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$ConnectionPool.class
                  • MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$ConnectionSource.class
                  • MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$HostConnectionPool.class
                  • MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$HttpConnectionAdapter.class
                  • MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$HttpConnectionWithReference.class
                  • MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$ReferenceQueueThread.class
                  • MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$WaitingThread.class
                  • MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager.class
                  • NTCredentials.class
                  • NameValuePair.class
                  • NoHttpResponseException.class
                  • ProtocolException.class
                  • ProxyClient$1.class
                  • ProxyClient$ConnectResponse.class
                  • ProxyClient$DummyConnectionManager.class
                  • ProxyClient.class
                  • ProxyHost.class
                  • RedirectException.class
                  • ResponseConsumedWatcher.class
                  • SimpleHttpConnectionManager.class
                  • StatusLine.class
                  • URI$DefaultCharsetChanged.class
                  • URI$LocaleToCharsetMap.class
                  • URI.class
                  • URIException.class
                  • UsernamePasswordCredentials.class
                  • Wire.class
                  • WireLogInputStream.class
                  • WireLogOutputStream.class
                • logging
                  • impl
                    • AvalonLogger.class
                    • Jdk13LumberjackLogger.class
                    • Jdk14Logger.class
                    • Log4JLogger.class
                    • LogFactoryImpl$1.class
                    • LogFactoryImpl$2.class
                    • LogFactoryImpl$3.class
                    • LogFactoryImpl.class
                    • LogKitLogger.class
                    • NoOpLog.class
                    • ServletContextCleaner.class
                    • SimpleLog$1.class
                    • SimpleLog.class
                    • WeakHashtable$1.class
                    • WeakHashtable$Entry.class
                    • WeakHashtable$Referenced.class
                    • WeakHashtable$WeakKey.class
                    • WeakHashtable.class
                  • Log.class
                  • LogConfigurationException.class
                  • LogFactory$1.class
                  • LogFactory$2.class
                  • LogFactory$3.class
                  • LogFactory$4.class
                  • LogFactory$5.class
                  • LogFactory$6.class
                  • LogFactory.class
                  • LogSource.class
        • Eazy Link Cloaker.jar
        • Software Instructions.pdf

Eazy Link Cloaker: Your Personal Link Protection Solution

Safeguard your affiliate links and boost your online marketing efforts with Eazy Link Cloaker. This powerful software provides a simple yet effective way to protect your valuable links from being hijacked or manipulated by others.

With Eazy Link Cloaker, you can:

  • Mask affiliate links to make them more appealing and trustworthy
  • Track click-through rates and monitor your marketing campaigns
  • Protect your commissions by preventing link theft
  • Create shorter, more memorable URLs for your promotions
  • Improve the overall appearance of your marketing materials

Whether you're an experienced affiliate marketer or just starting out, Eazy Link Cloaker offers the tools you need to succeed in the competitive online landscape. Take control of your links and maximize your earning potential today.

This product comes with Master Resell Rights, allowing you to not only use the software for your own benefit but also to resell it to others, creating an additional income stream.


  • [YES] Can be sold
  • [YES] Can be used for personal use
  • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
  • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
  • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
  • [YES] Can be used to build a list
  • [YES] Can print/publish offline
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
  • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
  • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
  • [NO] Can be given away for free
  • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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