Exclusive Franchise Opportunity!

Your Own Web Shop with 12,000
Digital Products to Sell

We are thrilled to offer a limited number of franchises for our successful digital products platform. Now you can own a fully functional, ready-made PLR shop filled with 12,000 digital products, similar to idplr.com.

idplr admin dashboard

What's Included:

A Fully Set-Up WordPress PLR Store

Your new web shop will be installed on your own hosting account and domain name. Built on WordPress, it includes the powerful Divi editor, allowing you to easily modify and personalize the design to suit your needs.

A Comprehensive Product Catalog

The PLR store comes pre-loaded with over 12,000 digital products, each accompanied by detailed descriptions, e-covers, preview files, and more.

Brandable PDF Licenses

All product licenses will be rebranded with your shop’s domain name and logo. Additionally, you can include a custom Readme file with your own content in each product.

Sell Memberships or Individul Products

The shop can be set up as a regular web store, membership site, or a combination of both. You can sell products individually through a shopping cart or offer bulk purchases via membership subscriptions. It’s your shop, and you keep 100% of the earnings.

Advanced Features and Tools

The shop is based on the most advanced platform to sell digital products available on the market today. We provide you with the same tools we use to manage our own membership sites. You’ll have access to:

    • A preview generator
    • HTML extractor
    • Automatic license creator
    • AI writer for generating new or rewriting existing product descriptions
    • Ongoing ability to publish new products, categories…
    • and much more (will be announced soon!)

Purchase Requirements


Basic WordPress Knowledge

While the PLR shop is largely automated, you will need some basic WordPress skills to manage tasks such as publishing new offers, installing plugins, and modifying the design. Comprehensive documentation will be provided, but a foundational understanding of WordPress is required.

Beta Release Considerations

This is a beta release, and while the platform has been well-tested on indigitalworks.com and idplr.com, some bugs may still exist. We commit to resolving most issues within 24-48 hours.

Serious Buyers Only

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. This franchise opportunity is aimed at serious buyers who understand that building a successful business takes time and effort. Purchasing this ready-made PLR store will save you significant time and money, but you will still need to focus on marketing and driving traffic to attract clients.

Shop Requirements

  • Web Hosting and Domain Name
  • Payment Processor: To accept payments like PayPal, Stripe, etc.
  • aMember License (Optional): The shop is compatible with amember.com membership software to manage payments, users, membership plans, etc. It is not mandatory but highly recommended. You can check the pricing on their website.


You will have the ability to modify product details such as ecovers, descriptions, categories, and more, but you won’t be able to change the product Terms. This restriction is necessary to ensure compliance with the legal requirements of the products.


  • Platform Only (Without Products): $297
  • Full PLR Shop (Platform + 12,000 Products): $697

The price of $697 for the shop is for the initial beta release. It may increase once we release the final version, but due to the development costs involved, the price will not be lower.

Limited Availability

We are releasing only 5 PLR shops in this initial offering, starting on July 8, 2024.

Secure Your Spot

If you’re excited about this unique business opportunity, here are two ways to stay informed and secure your place:

Sign Up for the Franchise Newsletter

Stay updated about available spots by signing up to newsletter here.

(We will only send information regarding free spots, so no regular emails will clutter your inbox. You can unsubscribe at any time.)

franschise newsletter

Secure Your Spot by Opening a "Franchise" Ticket

Open a “Franchise” ticket here (you must be logged). We will contact you after July 8, 2024, with further details.

Important: While opening a Franchise ticket does not guarantee your purchase in this initial batch, it improves your chances for future releases.

franschise ticket

Get In Touch

For additional information or to discuss this opportunity in detail, feel free to contact us directly.

More Information About the Shop and Offer

- July 5, 2024

The shop will be installed on your own hosting and domain. All product files (zip archives) are hosted on our cloud server, which connects to your store via API.

Our cloud server handles all resource-intensive tasks and automation scripts, such as preview generation, HTML extraction, video/audio conversion, image resizing, zip manipulation, PDF license creation and rebranding, and more. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of a high-performance shop while only paying for standard, budget-friendly web hosting.

We will install the shop on your hosting account and domain. You will need to provide us with your hosting login credentials. Once the setup is complete, you can change them for security purposes.

The shop comes pre-configured with all necessary plugins for proper functionality. WordPress offers thousands of plugins to expand your shop, but since they are from third-party developers, we cannot guarantee they won’t cause conflicts. If any issues arise with our shop plugins, we will fix them for free. However, if the issues involve other third-party plugins, you will need to resolve them with their respective developers.

API Credits

Your shop will connect to our server via API, incurring certain API expenses. For $697, you will receive the shop with 100 credits. Each download of any of the 12,000 products will cost 1 API credit. The 100 API credits included with your shop mean you can sell 100 products before needing to buy new credits, more than sufficient for a start.

The pricing for additional credits is as follows:

    • 1,000 credits – $39 ($0.04 per download)
    • 2,500 credits – $87 ($0.035 per download)
    • 5,000 credits – $147 ($0.03 per download)
    • 10,000 credits – $247 ($0.025 per download)
    • 20,000 credits – $397 ($0.02 per download)
    • 50,000 credits – $747 ($0.015 per download)
    • 100,000 credits – $997 ($0.01 per download)

The initial credit packages are intended for shops that plan to sell individual products via a shopping cart. The larger credit packages are ideal for shops planning to sell membership subscriptions, as they reduce the cost per download to $0.01, enabling affordable mass downloads.

Storage Space

Your shop includes 10GB of space for publishing your own products. This can be increased to 100GB for $29/month (or $19/month if paid yearly).

AI Rewriter

The shop comes with 50,000 words available for AI rewriting tasks, including rewriting, translation, and description generation. After reaching this limit, you will have two options:

  • Upgrade to 250,000 words AI rewriter for $29/month (or $19/month if paid yearly).
  • Use your own AI API key from OpenAI or Claude.


  • Credits never expire. You can purchase the 100,000 credits package if you want to achieve lower expenses per download.
  • If the same user downloads the same product multiple times, you will be charged only once, for the first download.
  • The shopping cart currently works only with aMember.com software. To use the shopping cart for selling individual products, you must purchase an aMember license. We will handle the installation and setup, but you need to provide us with the aMember license key. aMember is also recommended if you wish to switch from selling individual products to offering membership subscriptions in the future.
  • You can edit the prices for the 12,000 products, but the minimum prices should be $1 for ebooks and $2 for products/packages with video or audio.
  • To sell membership subscriptions, you can use either aMember (paid) or the WP native plugin (free) that comes with your shop. Note that the WP native plugin is not compatible with the shopping cart at the moment and can be used to sell membership plans only.
  • If you intend to sell membership plans, please be aware that the maximum download limit is 200 products per user per day. This limit is generally more than sufficient for legitimate users. However, we recommend setting a lower limit to ensure users download only the products they need, which will help conserve your API credits. For example, we set a limit of 50-75 downloads per day on our membership plans.

Platform Only

In addition to the shop with 12,000 products, you also have the option to purchase the shop platform without any pre-loaded products. The “Platform Only” package comes pre-filled with 100,000 API credits but does not include any products. All other features and upgrade options are the same as those offered with the 12,000-product shop.

PRO Package

The PRO package is not mandatory as the shop works great out of the box, but it offers certain advantages and can save you money. When you purchase the PRO package, you will receive the following:

  • Increased storage space from 10GB to 100GB (saves $19-29 per month).
  • 250,000 words for the AI copywriter (saves $19-29 per month).
  • eCover Creator comes with all 10 models (instead of 2).
  • Two new digital products per month (available in your shop).
  • Priority support (saves $80 per year).
  • The following PRO plugins will be installed in your shop:

— RankMath PRO (rankmath.com)
— AI Engine PRO (meowapps.com/ai-engine)
— Popup Builder (popup-builder.com)

Price: $59 per month (get a 50% discount when paid yearly – $29,50 per month).

Shop Design

When you purchase the shop, you can choose from five different shop designs. You can preview them below. Please note that we are still making some final tweaks, so there may be minor bugs.


Your shop comes equipped with the Divi visual editor, allowing you to easily modify the design. Once the shop is installed, it is not possible to switch from one design to another. However, since all designs are created with Divi, you can easily redesign any of them. You can check out the Divi here, or try the demo.

Technical Support

We provide technical support for the Shop Plugin that we developed. This includes bug fixes, upgrades, and security updates, all free of charge. However, to receive new features for the plugin and shop, you will need to subscribe to our paid support plan. The cost for paid support is $80 per year. When you purchase the shop, it includes 6 months of paid support. After these 6 months, we will continue to offer technical support, but new features will only be available with the paid support plan.

Currently, we do not offer technical support for plugins developed by third-party developers. While we may assist with minor issues that arise, for more complex problems, you will need to contact the plugin developers directly.

Your Responsibilities

As the shop owner, you are responsible for:

  • Collecting payments and providing technical support to your customers.
  • Managing your WordPress shop layout, design, pages, plugins, and backups.
  • Implementing security measures. While our recommended setup has never had security issues, installing poorly coded plugins yourself could expose your site to risks. Your shop comes with the All In One Security plugin installed, which protects against the most known threats.

Transparent Pricing and Credit System

We want to be transparent about the pricing. All the expenses are mentioned on this page, there are no secret charges or up-sells.

When you purchase the shop, there are no additional mandatory charges. We have opted for a credit billing system instead of recurring monthly or yearly fees. The features you receive with the shop are costly to develop, host, and maintain, which would typically require ongoing subscription fees.

However, we find that using credits is the fairest approach, especially for those just starting who may not afford recurring charges. With the credit system, you have no other expenses if you don’t sell products.

Upon purchasing the shop, you receive 100 API credits, which is enough for 100 downloads. If you don’t sell any products or charge for access to the shop, you won’t consume any credits and won’t need to buy more. Credits are only consumed when users download products; they are not used for browsing, viewing the store, using automation scripts, or anything else. All features within the shop and admin area are free to use indefinitely.

Credits never expire. If you purchase the highest credit package, each download will cost you only $0.01—a minor fee considering the extensive features you’re getting with the shop. Also, credits are only consumed when clients download a product for the first time. Any subsequent downloads by the same client will not use additional credits.

We have designed this setup to be as fair as possible, particularly for beginners, to avoid overwhelming them with mandatory fees. Our goal is to provide a powerful, cost-effective solution that allows new users to start and grow their businesses without the burden of recurring charges.

A few more things to mention…

You are provided with 10GB of storage space for your products. If you use up all 10GB of storage, you won’t be able to upload additional products until you purchase more space. However, your shop will still remain fully functional, allowing users to register, browse, and download.
You also receive 50,000 words for AI rewrites. Once these 50,000 words are used up, you won’t be able to continue using the AI rewriting feature unless you purchase more words or use your own AI API key. This enables continued use of the service regardless of your API credits balance.

Your shop will remain active indefinitely with no additional charges. You will be able to browse, publish new products, access the admin area, and use automation scripts even with zero remaining credits.

Paid support is also not necessary. Bug fixes and technical support are provided free of charge indefinitely, regardless of whether you have paid support. Paid support offers future shop upgrades and new features, but it is not required for the shop to function.

The PRO package is optional and not needed initially. It extends storage space to 100GB, provides more AI rewriting words, and offers other benefits. This package may be beneficial as your shop grows and you start making sales, but it is not required to begin using the shop.

Product Files Hosting

Currently, it is not possible to host files elsewhere; they must remain on our dedicated server. This might be feasible in future versions, but for now, the shop is designed to work in conjunction with our dedicated server. If we allowed external hosting, most of the essential scripts would not function properly:

  • PDF license creator/rebrander
  • Preview generator
  • HTML extractor
  • File counter
  • AI rewriter (uses the file counter to create relevant descriptions)
  • AI description generator (processes files from the server)
  • And several more

While you could have a shop with your own hosted products, it would be a basic shop without the advanced features that set our platform apart. For basic shops, you don’t need our platform; there are many other, more affordable options available.

We will soon release a video that explains these features in more detail, so you’ll have a better understanding of why the products can’t be hosted elsewhere.