Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 13/06/2013
  • Size: 5.67 MB


  • Generators


Slide Up FX - Slide Up Ad Generator

Price: 14.90

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    • SlideUpFX
      • Salespage
        • cover
          • cover-large.jpg
          • cover-medium.jpg
          • cover-small.jpg
        • css
          • slideupstyle-ie7fix.css
          • slideupstyle.css
          • styles-sales.css
          • styles.css
        • images
          • background-2.jpg
          • background.jpg
          • checkmark.gif
          • cornerimage.png
          • down.gif
          • down.png
          • header-background.jpg
          • header.jpg
          • middle.gif
          • middle.png
          • order-button.gif
          • table-background.jpg
          • top.gif
          • top.png
        • thankyou
          • index.html
        • index.html
      • Software
        • 5 templates
          • Template 1
            • template-1.psd
          • Template 2
            • template-2.psd
          • Template 3
            • template-3.psd
          • Template 4
            • template-4.psd
          • Template 5
            • template-5.psd
        • slideup-fx-script
          • css
            • slideupstyle-ie7fix.css
            • slideupstyle.css
            • styles.css
          • fckeditor
            • _samples
              • _plugins
                • findreplace
                  • lang
                    • en.js
                    • fr.js
                    • it.js
                  • fckplugin.js
                  • find.gif
                  • find.html
                  • replace.gif
                  • replace.html
                • samples
                  • fckplugin.js
              • adobeair
                • icons
                  • 16.png
                  • 32.png
                  • 48.png
                  • 128.png
                • application.xml
                • package.bat
                • run.bat
                • sample01.html
                • sample01_cert.pfx
              • afp
                • fck.afpa
                • fck.afpa.code
                • sample01.afp
                • sample02.afp
                • sample03.afp
                • sample04.afp
                • sampleposteddata.afp
              • asp
                • sample01.asp
                • sample02.asp
                • sample03.asp
                • sample04.asp
                • sampleposteddata.asp
              • cfm
                • sample01.cfm
                • sample01_mx.cfm
                • sample02.cfm
                • sample02_mx.cfm
                • sample03.cfm
                • sample03_mx.cfm
                • sample04.cfm
                • sample04_mx.cfm
                • sampleposteddata.cfm
              • html
                • assets
                  • sample06.config.js
                  • sample11_frame.html
                  • sample14.config.js
                  • sample14.styles.css
                  • sample15.config.js
                  • sample16.config.js
                  • sample16.fla
                  • sample16.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • sample01.html
                • sample02.html
                • sample03.html
                • sample04.html
                • sample05.html
                • sample06.html
                • sample07.html
                • sample08.html
                • sample09.html
                • sample10.html
                • sample11.html
                • sample12.html
                • sample13.html
                • sample14.html
                • sample15.html
                • sample16.html
              • lasso
                • sample01.lasso
                • sample02.lasso
                • sample03.lasso
                • sample04.lasso
                • sampleposteddata.lasso
              • perl
                • sample01.cgi
                • sample02.cgi
                • sample03.cgi
                • sample04.cgi
                • sampleposteddata.cgi
              • php
                • sample01.php
                • sample02.php
                • sample03.php
                • sample04.php
                • sampleposteddata.php
              • py
              • default.html
              • sample.css
              • sampleslist.html
            • editor
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                    • controls.html
                    • spellChecker.js
                    • spellchecker.html
                    • spellerStyle.css
                    • wordWindow.js
                • fck_template
                  • images
                    • aweber.jpg
                    • getresponse.jpg
                    • template-1.jpg
                    • template-2.jpg
                    • template-3.jpg
                    • template-4.jpg
                    • template-5.jpg
                    • template-default-background.gif
                    • template-default-logo.gif
                    • template-default.jpg
                    • template1-background.gif
                    • template1-logo.gif
                    • template2-background.gif
                    • template2-logo.gif
                    • template3-background.gif
                    • template3-logo.gif
                    • template4-background.gif
                    • template4-logo.gif
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              • filemanager
                • browser
                  • LFO
                    • connectors
                      • php
                        • basexml.php
                        • commands.php
                        • config.php
                        • connector.php
                        • io.php
                        • util.php
                      • test.html
                    • images
                      • icons
                        • 32
                          • _notes
                          • This folder is empty
                          • ai.gif
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                        • _notes
                        • This folder is empty
                        • ai.gif
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                        • jpg.gif
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                        • pdf.gif
                        • ppt.gif
                        • rdp.gif
                        • swf.gif
                        • swt.gif
                        • txt.gif
                        • vsd.gif
                        • xls.gif
                        • xml.gif
                        • zip.gif
                      • ButtonArrow.gif
                      • Folder.gif
                      • Folder32.gif
                      • FolderOpened.gif
                      • FolderOpened32.gif
                      • FolderUp.gif
                      • spacer.gif
                    • js
                      • common.js
                      • fckxml.js
                    • browser.css
                    • browser.html
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                    • frmcreatefolder.html
                    • frmfolders.html
                    • frmresourceslist.html
                    • frmresourcetype.html
                    • frmupload.html
                  • default
                    • images
                      • icons
                        • 32
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                          • bmp.gif
                          • cs.gif
                          • default.icon.gif
                          • dll.gif
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                          • exe.gif
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                          • txt.gif
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                        • ai.gif
                        • avi.gif
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                        • fla.gif
                        • gif.gif
                        • htm.gif
                        • html.gif
                        • jpg.gif
                        • js.gif
                        • mdb.gif
                        • mp3.gif
                        • pdf.gif
                        • png.gif
                        • ppt.gif
                        • rdp.gif
                        • swf.gif
                        • swt.gif
                        • txt.gif
                        • vsd.gif
                        • xls.gif
                        • xml.gif
                        • zip.gif
                      • ButtonArrow.gif
                      • Folder.gif
                      • Folder32.gif
                      • FolderOpened.gif
                      • FolderOpened32.gif
                      • FolderUp.gif
                      • spacer.gif
                    • js
                      • common.js
                      • fckxml.js
                    • browser.css
                    • browser.html
                    • frmactualfolder.html
                    • frmcreatefolder.html
                    • frmfolders.html
                    • frmresourceslist.html
                    • frmresourcetype.html
                    • frmupload.html
                • connectors
                  • asp
                    • basexml.asp
                    • class_upload.asp
                    • commands.asp
                    • config.asp
                    • connector.asp
                    • io.asp
                    • upload.asp
                    • util.asp
                  • aspx
                    • config.ascx
                    • connector.aspx
                    • upload.aspx
                  • cfm
                    • ImageObject.cfc
                    • cf5_connector.cfm
                    • cf5_upload.cfm
                    • cf_basexml.cfm
                    • cf_commands.cfm
                    • cf_connector.cfm
                    • cf_io.cfm
                    • cf_upload.cfm
                    • cf_util.cfm
                    • config.cfm
                    • connector.cfm
                    • image.cfc
                    • upload.cfm
                  • lasso
                    • config.lasso
                    • connector.lasso
                    • upload.lasso
                  • perl
                    • connector.cgi
                    • upload.cgi
                  • php
                    • basexml.php
                    • commands.php
                    • config.php
                    • connector.php
                    • io.php
                    • phpcompat.php
                    • upload.php
                    • util.php
                  • py
                    • htaccess.txt
                  • test.html
                  • uploadtest.html
              • images
                • smiley
                  • msn
                    • angel_smile.gif
                    • angry_smile.gif
                    • broken_heart.gif
                    • cake.gif
                    • confused_smile.gif
                    • cry_smile.gif
                    • devil_smile.gif
                    • embaressed_smile.gif
                    • envelope.gif
                    • heart.gif
                    • kiss.gif
                    • lightbulb.gif
                    • omg_smile.gif
                    • regular_smile.gif
                    • sad_smile.gif
                    • shades_smile.gif
                    • teeth_smile.gif
                    • thumbs_down.gif
                    • thumbs_up.gif
                    • tounge_smile.gif
                    • whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif
                    • wink_smile.gif
                • anchor.gif
                • arrow_ltr.gif
                • arrow_rtl.gif
                • spacer.gif
              • js
                • fckadobeair.js
                • fckeditorcode_gecko.js
                • fckeditorcode_ie.js
              • lang
                • _translationstatus.txt
                • af.js
                • ar.js
                • bg.js
                • bn.js
                • bs.js
                • ca.js
                • cs.js
                • da.js
                • de.js
                • el.js
                • en-au.js
                • en-ca.js
                • en-uk.js
                • en.js
                • eo.js
                • es.js
                • et.js
                • eu.js
                • fa.js
                • fi.js
                • fo.js
                • fr-ca.js
                • fr.js
                • gl.js
                • gu.js
                • he.js
                • hi.js
                • hr.js
                • hu.js
                • it.js
                • ja.js
                • km.js
                • ko.js
                • lt.js
                • lv.js
                • mn.js
                • ms.js
                • nb.js
                • nl.js
                • no.js
                • pl.js
                • pt-br.js
                • pt.js
                • ro.js
                • ru.js
                • sk.js
                • sl.js
                • sr-latn.js
                • sr.js
                • sv.js
                • th.js
                • tr.js
                • uk.js
                • vi.js
                • zh-cn.js
                • zh.js
              • plugins
                • LFO
                  • lang
                    • en.js
                    • nl.js
                  • GetFile.gif
                  • LFO_GetFile.html
                  • LFO_SaveFileAs.html
                  • SaveFileAs.gif
                  • SaveFileHistory.gif
                  • common.js
                  • fckplugin.js
                  • scriptImageOffice2003Blue.gif
                  • scriptImageSilverNarrow.gif
                • autogrow
                  • fckplugin.js
                • bbcode
                  • _sample
                    • sample.config.js
                    • sample.html
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                • dragresizetable
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                • placeholder
                  • lang
                    • de.js
                    • en.js
                    • es.js
                    • fr.js
                    • it.js
                    • pl.js
                  • fck_placeholder.html
                  • fckplugin.js
                  • placeholder.gif
                • simplecommands
                  • fckplugin.js
                • tablecommands
                  • fckplugin.js
              • skins
                • SilverNarrow
                  • images
                    • contextmenu.background.gif
                    • dialog.sides.gif
                    • dialog.sides.png
                    • dialog.sides.rtl.png
                    • sprites.gif
                    • sprites.png
                    • toolbar.arrowright.gif
                    • toolbar.background.gif
                    • toolbar.buttonarrow.gif
                    • toolbar.collapse.gif
                    • toolbar.end.gif
                    • toolbar.expand.gif
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                    • toolbar.start.gif
                  • fck_dialog.css
                  • fck_dialog_ie6.js
                  • fck_editor.css
                  • fck_strip.gif
                • default
                  • images
                    • dialog.sides.gif
                    • dialog.sides.png
                    • dialog.sides.rtl.png
                    • sprites.gif
                    • sprites.png
                    • toolbar.arrowright.gif
                    • toolbar.buttonarrow.gif
                    • toolbar.collapse.gif
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                    • toolbar.expand.gif
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                    • toolbar.start.gif
                  • fck_dialog.css
                  • fck_dialog_ie6.js
                  • fck_editor.css
                  • fck_strip.gif
                • office2003
                  • images
                    • dialog.sides.gif
                    • dialog.sides.png
                    • dialog.sides.rtl.png
                    • sprites.gif
                    • sprites.png
                    • toolbar.arrowright.gif
                    • toolbar.buttonarrow.gif
                    • toolbar.collapse.gif
                    • toolbar.end.gif
                    • toolbar.expand.gif
                    • toolbar.separator.gif
                    • toolbar.start.gif
                  • fck_dialog.css
                  • fck_dialog_ie6.js
                  • fck_editor.css
                  • fck_strip.gif
                • silver
                  • images
                    • dialog.sides.gif
                    • dialog.sides.png
                    • dialog.sides.rtl.png
                    • sprites.gif
                    • sprites.png
                    • toolbar.arrowright.gif
                    • toolbar.buttonarrow.gif
                    • toolbar.buttonbg.gif
                    • toolbar.collapse.gif
                    • toolbar.end.gif
                    • toolbar.expand.gif
                    • toolbar.separator.gif
                    • toolbar.start.gif
                  • fck_dialog.css
                  • fck_dialog_ie6.js
                  • fck_editor.css
                  • fck_strip.gif
                • _fckviewstrips.html
              • fckdebug.html
              • fckdialog.html
              • fckeditor.html
              • fckeditor.original.html
            • _documentation.html
            • _upgrade.html
            • _whatsnew.html
            • _whatsnew_history.html
            • fckconfig.js
            • fckeditor.afp
            • fckeditor.asp
            • fckeditor.cfc
            • fckeditor.cfm
            • fckeditor.js
            • fckeditor.lasso
            • fckeditor.php
            • fckeditor_php4.php
            • fckeditor_php5.php
            • fckpackager.xml
            • fckstyles.xml
            • fcktemplates.xml
            • fckutils.cfm
          • images
            • arrow.gif
            • background-2.jpg
            • background.jpg
            • cornerimage.png
            • down.gif
            • down.png
            • header-background.jpg
            • header.jpg
            • middle.gif
            • middle.png
            • table-background.jpg
            • top.gif
            • top.png
          • ioncube
            • ioncube-encoded-file.php
            • ioncube-loader-helper.php
            • ioncube_loader_win_4.1.dll
            • ioncube_loader_win_4.2.dll
            • ioncube_loader_win_4.3.dll
            • ioncube_loader_win_4.4.dll
            • ioncube_loader_win_5.0.dll
            • ioncube_loader_win_5.1.dll
            • ioncube_loader_win_5.2.dll
          • js
            • finalSlideup.js
            • jquery.js
            • pngfix.js
            • slideup.js
            • slideup_js.php
          • predefined
            • template-default-background.gif
            • template-default-logo.gif
            • template1-background.gif
            • template1-logo.gif
            • template2-background.gif
            • template2-logo.gif
            • template3-background.gif
            • template3-logo.gif
            • template4-background.gif
            • template4-logo.gif
            • template5-background.gif
            • template5-logo.gif
          • template
            • background.gif
            • close-button.png
            • logo.gif
            • mainTemplate.php
            • notshow-button.png
            • slideup.html
            • slideup.php
          • userfiles
            • File
            • This folder is empty
            • Flash
            • This folder is empty
            • Image
            • This folder is empty
            • Media
            • This folder is empty
          • constant.php
          • generate.php
          • index.php
          • nevershow.php
          • slideupfx-preview.php
        • slideup-fx-manual.pdf

Slide Up FX - Slide Up Ad Generator is a powerful tool designed to boost your opt-ins and sales without requiring any programming skills. This user-friendly system installs in seconds and can be easily customized to work with any website, including WordPress blogs and Joomla portals.

Key features of Slide Up FX include:

  • Lightning-fast performance compared to competitors
  • Fully customizable slide-up ad content
  • Easy creation of unique templates
  • No database required
  • Unobtrusive ads displayed at the bottom of the browser
  • Immune to popup blockers

With Slide Up FX, you can create eye-catching, non-intrusive ads that appear at the bottom of your visitors' browsers. These ads are designed to increase your opt-ins and sales without annoying your audience or being blocked by popup blockers.

The system's user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone, regardless of technical skills, to customize and implement slide-up ads on their website. You can create your own unique templates and tailor the content to match your brand and message.

This product comes with Master Resell Rights, allowing you to not only use it for your own websites but also resell it to others, potentially creating an additional income stream.


  • [YES] Can be sold
  • [YES] Can be used for personal use
  • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
  • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
  • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
  • [YES] Can be used to build a list
  • [YES] Can print/publish offline
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
  • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
  • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
  • [NO] Can be given away for free
  • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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